Home > Natural Resins > Seedlac
Natural Resins

Seedlac is a natural resin that is obtained from the secretions of the tiny lac insect Laccifer Lacca. The insects are cultivated on selected host trees. The insect secretions form a cocoon on the twigs of the trees which are then harvested and brought to our factory as Sticklac. After processing we extract the natural resin known as Seedlac.
Seedlac raw material supplied from our factory to customers is formulated to obtain Shellac, Lac wax and Aleuritic Acid which have multiple uses in a range of industries.
Properties of the Lac Resin
Industrial Applications
1.Wood finishing and furniture polishing.2.Ingredient in printing ink.
3.Paint primers for undercoat.
4.Electrical industry as an insulating varnish and moulded insulator.
5.Leather finishing and shoe polish.
6.Pharmaceutical tablet coating.
7.Confectionary glazes, Fruit and vegetable coating.
8.Ingredient in Cosmetics and Perfumery.
9.Paper varnish.
10.Proofing of hats.
11.Rubber compounds.
12.Grinding wheels.
13.Gasket cement.
14.Dental plate.
15.Coating for seeds and special fertilizer.
16.Cross linking agent for PU, epoxy resins.


Seedlac Factory at Lampang province, Thailand